Latest Happenings
VADACTRO has developed the latest concepts and outstanding solutions in the form of all its innovative and unique products for consumer companies in India & Rest of the World. Our joint collaboration with the leading Universities of India (Symbiosis Institute of Design, Pune University & Amravati University) has been very helpful to develop the user friendly designs & work force for future.
- Develop state of the art IoT enabled Smart Products in India which can compete with world’s best in class brands on quality and performance
- Effective implementation of “Made in India” and “Make in India” with excellent design, product and services support
- An Industry Close to the University (By Principle)
- Push newer technologies into the consumer industry and educational streams
- Provide an Incubation Platform for Students with Bright Ideas
- Bridge the gap - Engineering graduates to the IoT industry requirements
- Create an employment for the regional people by enabling an industry within the region
- Contribute effectively for the positive growth of India
SL-BUS Technology is a platform created by VADACTRO that enables manufacturers to bring their products quickly to the world of connected devices. SL represents "Smart Life" and the BUS represents "Communication". Small but powerful SL-BUS Technology module offers easy integration for any product and takes care of all kinds of processing needs for a product from simple sensory application to the complex audio/video data streaming applications.

Customers have trusted the SL-BUS technology platform offerings from VADACTRO and most of them have developed products around it, which are performing well in the market. Newly associated customers have already signed NDA with us and their products are in development stage, sooner they will be in the market. VADACTRO team is committed to provide excellent product and support to our valued customers. Selected few of them are -

SmartLiving Home Automation Pvt. Ltd.
SmartLiving is associated with VADACTRO from day one. Excellent product promotion expertise, excellent installation and post-installation support helped VADACTRO to root their feets in home automation market segment. Today VADACTRO promotes all its Home Automation products through this channel partner under the theme "Powered-By VADACTRO

OSUM Smart Electrical Solutions LLP
OSUM is our value-added Customer and Marketing Channel partner for SmartLiving Home Automation Products. SmartLiving range of home automation products coupled with stylish accessories by OSUM offers perfect and wide range of product portfolio for the Smart Home Automation Market Segment

Leap Info System Pvt. Ltd.
Leap Info Systems is pioneer in providing Connected Lighting Solution in Commercial and Industrial segment in India and abroad. Leap Info Systems and VADACTRO in collaboration have developed a product SL-BUS to Niagara Network Interface Module (NIM). This product is "Powered-By VADACTRO" and taken into market by Leap Info Systems and their channels.

Intelux Electronics Pvt. Ltd.
Intelux is leading supplier of LED Drivers, Power electronics expertise from Intelux coupled with VADACTRO's SL-BUS Technology has created new range of products in their product portfolio to address Smart-Street Lighting solution components. Further in association with VADACTRO Intelux is developing few more smart products.

IoT Evaluation Kit for Students and Hobbyists
VD-IOT-EVALKIT provide embedded developers a way to quickly develop and prototype Wi-Fi connected embedded products that interface with peripherals over the GPIO, UART, I2C and SPI at one end and talk to the AWS IoT service at the other